About Us


At Asian Culinary Institute, we are passionate about facilitating innovation in Singapore’s Food Services Industry. As a Continuing Education and Training Centre, we offer an exciting range of industry-focused curriculums designed and conducted by industry-leading chefs and subject matter experts.

Our strong parentage of Nanyang Polytechnic, allows us to bring professional skills and knowledge that ignite creativity, and empower learners to reach their full potential. Our dedication to building skills through our network of experts prepares learners to prepare and thrive for the road ahead.

Trust ACI to grow the knowledge and skills of learners, providing them with the tools they need to contribute to the industry.

Advisory Panel
Our Distinguished Advisory Panel


We are advised by our Distinguished Chefs Advisory Panel (made up of industry experts) so your learning at ACI is current and industry-relevant.

Our panellists are invaluable in providing industry insights and trends that enable our trainees to go forth and make a difference in the industry. 

(From the left) Chef Eric Neo, Chef Eric Teo, Chef Violet Oon, Chef Michael Muller, Chef Teo Yeow Siang, Chef David Toh, Chef Dave Heng, Chef Martin Foo


Our Strong Network of Partners